Knowledge exchange in the field of anesthesiology and intensive therapy - tribute to illustrious professor Valeriu Ghereg
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Anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, resident physicians, students and young researchers in the field gathered at a scientific conference entitled "In Memoriam Prof. Valeriu Ghereg", the 20th edition, on February 24, 2025.
"Today's event is not only an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, but also a tribute to the illustrious educator and accomplished physician, who dedicated his life to the training of generations of specialists and the development of medicine in Moldova. Through his professionalism, passion and humanism, Professor Ghereg left a valuable legacy, which continues to inspire and guide our work. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to learn, collaborate and carry forward the spirit of excellence promoted by him." The statement belongs to Professor Serghei Sandru, head of Valeriu Ghereg Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation No. 1 of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, who moderated the scientific conference.
Rector Emil Ceban has mentioned that 2025 is a special year for our university – 80 years since the founding of the institution – a period in which several generations of professors contributed through work, discipline, devotion, love for people and the country, to the development of higher medical education and medical sciences. “Professor Valeriu Ghereg has demonstrated the most beautiful human and professional qualities during his 24 years of activity at the University. His special attitude towards the profession, his life and work experience, but also his pedagogical tact, have brought him the appreciation and respect of his colleagues, students and patients. His contribution to the development of the Anesthesiology specialty and the specialized Department, which today bears his name, is inestimable. "The illustrious doctor and scholar created a strong school, with valuable academic and research traditions, consolidated by specialists in anesthesiology and intensive care, who develop his ideas, materialize his projects and honor his memory," the rector specified.
The special guest of the conference – Gabriel Gurman, professor at the University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, renowned specialist in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care, of Bessarabian origin, Doctor Honoris Causa of Nicolae Testemitanu University, has stated that his heart also beats strongly for Bessarabia as his grandfather is buried in Soroca. Prof. Gurman mentioned that, throughout this period, he encountered here exactly what he knew about the Moldovan people on both banks of the Prut – that special warm soul which conquered him. The professor also referred to the professional act of doctors in Moldova, emphasizing that of all professional associations, the Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of the Republic of Moldova (SARRM) has recorded the most visible leap. “The Republic of Moldova is one of the few countries that has a founder of this field at the national level – Valeriu Ghereg. He was the first to notice the need to study Anesthesiology and Resuscitation as a separate branch. I appreciate the perseverance of Moldovan society in continuing to commemorate through this scientific event both the existence and the achievements in the field of researchers from the Republic of Moldova," mentioned Gabriel Gurman.
Professor Victor Cojocaru, head of Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation No. 2, expressed his appreciation for the success of the anesthesiologists. "Annually, we perform over 120,000 anesthesia in the country, all of them successful. The anesthesia and intensive care service is a field of major importance, and science must be at the center of our activity. Manipulation is equally significant, because in extreme situations, you must have the necessary skills to perform maneuvers and procedures in a timely manner. Currently, our services are properly equipped, numerous modern intensive care units have been opened. In Chisinau, there are several university clinics equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, and the hospitals are in very good condition. We must move forward, together with the University, to create optimal conditions for young specialists to practice intensive care at the highest level. Let's not forget that we are responsible for the quality of medical care and for reducing indicators related to lethality, complications, and disability," emphasized Victor Cojocaru. The professor recalled the effectiveness, during the COVID-19 pandemic, of intensive care teams made up of academic staff, resident doctors, and specialist doctors, which contributed to lower indicators in terms of mortality, compared to other countries.
In the opinion of Prof. Adrian Belii, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Protection, Health and Family, a disciple of Professor Ghereg, the conference constitutes an element passed from generation to generation of doctors and residents who, through the scientific achievements disseminated, bring a real contribution. "We, as supervisors of works, guide young specialists and strive to transmit values for continuity. It is a great achievement, and we are glad that the number of participants is constantly increasing, and the works quality keeps improving," Prof. Belii noted.
"Valeriu Ghereg was the president of the Society, he created a chair, founded a school and left the posterity of which we are part. He taught us to know our past and to respect it", said Associate Professor Ion Chesov, president of the Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of the Republic of Moldova. In this context, Nicolae Testemitanu University was mentioned with the SARRM jubilee medal, in appreciation of the half-century bilateral partnership and on the 50th anniversary of the professional organization.
The conference was organized by Valeriu Ghereg Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation No. 1 in partnership with SARRM and is part of a series of events organized in the context of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Nicolae Testemitanu University.
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