Professor Ioan Sporea has become Doctor Honoris Causa of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova conferred the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa to University Professor Ioan Sporea, head of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinic at Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, primary physician in gastroenterology and internal medicine, specialist in ultrasonography, vice-president of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Rector Emil Ceban read the Laudatio, stressing that this honorific title was awarded to Prof. Sporea as a sign of appreciation and gratitude for the cultivation of general human values worldwide, prodigious scientific activity, meritorious results in the promotion of science and medical practice, substantial contribution to the development of cooperation between Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, contribution to the partnership in scientific forums, participation as an official referent or member of specialized scientific councils supporting doctoral theses and Habilitated doctoral theses in medical sciences, the joint development of scientific projects, direct support in the training and professional development of university scientific-didactic staff and medical staff for the healthcare system of the Republic of Moldova in the field of gastroenterology, hepatology and ultrasonography, but also for the promotion of Nicolae Testemitanu University in Romania and in other countries.
“The mutually beneficial collaborative relationship between the renowned professor and the Gastroenterology Discipline, Department of Internal Medicine is a success story. Due to his efforts and special attitude, the working visits and those for professional development of the scientific-didactic and didactic staff as well as doctors specializing in internal medicine and ultrasonography were intensified. Thanks to Professor Sporea, resident doctors from the Gastroenterology specialty in our country benefit from internships at the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinic of Pius Brinzeu Emergency County Hospital in Timisoara. We highly appreciate the fact that Ioan Sporea - a famous personality with undisputed reputation in Romania and in the entire world - became Doctor Honoris Causa of our university", the rector added.
University Professor Eugen Tcaciuc, head of the Gastroenterology Discipline within the Department of Internal Medicine, emphasized the importance of collaboration with Professor Ioan Sporea in organizing relevant scientific events in the field of gastroenterology and ultrasonography both in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania. Among them are the "Days of Timisoara Gastroenterology", which took place in Chisinau, with the participation of Professor Sporea and his team of resident doctors, facilitating the interaction between young people and teaching staff.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on collaborations, but mixed conference formats have been maintained, ensuring the continuity of scientific activities. In 2021, Professor Sporea organized a conference dedicated to diseases caused by alcohol consumption in Timisoara, and in 2022, the 2nd edition of Gastroenterology Days took place in Chisinau. Also, in May 2022, representatives of the Gastroenterology Discipline participated in the World Congress on Ultrasonography, having the opportunity to interact with internationally renowned specialists. Each time, Professor Sporea brought valuable news in the fields of hepatology and gastrology, contributing significantly to the training and promotion of young doctors in this field. His international activity is recognized and appreciated, having a positive impact on the development of gastroenterology and hepatology worldwide.
In the opinion of Sergiu Puiu, Assistant Professor at the Ultrasound Course of Nicolae Testemitanu University, president of the Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology from the Republic of Moldova, the great passion for ultrasound brought professor Sporea, thanks to his hard work and perseverance, the fame of an expert in abdominal gastrointestinal ultrasonography. "Our collaboration began in 2008, when together with other Romanian colleagues we were supported to join the European Federation of Ultrasound Societies. Later, in 2017, he contributed to the creation of the Ultrasound Education Center in Chisinau, followed by many other events. Teacher, mentor, expert and, at the same time, a person who listens to people and shares his knowledge", the Assistant Professor pointed out. The expert also emphasized the openness of the distinguished professor towards students and resident doctors, by organizing schools in the field to support professional training and offering fee reductions for specialists from the Republic of Moldova who want to participate in various forums as well as numerous donations of gastroenterology textbooks. Free access to his written works is another proof of his commitment to the education and professional development of young specialists, etc.
Ioan Sporea expressed his gratitude for the honorary title and his willingness to support and contribute to the realization and expansion of collaboration plans in areas such as training, the exchange of teachers and students, joint research and other projects. "I'm happy when I come here, because I can teach in Romanian and everyone understands me," remarked the distinguished professor, highlighting the importance of effective communication in the educational process.
The ceremony was organized on October 21, 2024, during the Nicolae Testemitanu University Days, on the celebration of 79 years since its foundation.
Ioan Sporea was born on April 23, 1956, in the town of Nucet, Bihor County, Romania. After graduating from the Theoretical High School in Resita and the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, in 1982 he started his professional career as Assistant Professor specializing in Internal Medicine, later in Gastroenterology, at his Alma Mater. Along the way, he acquired diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy skills, also becoming an expert in ultrasound.
After 1991, he improved his professional skills in the most prestigious clinics in France, Holland, Germany and the United States of America. Moreover, professor Ioan Sporea asserted himself as a teaching staff member - head of works at the Discipline of Gastroenterology, Associate Professor, University Professor and head of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinic (for 19 years).
The managerial qualities of Professor Ioan Sporea were also noted in the position of director of the Doctoral University Studies Council, as vice-rector.
In addition to the didactic, clinical and managerial activity, Ioan Sporea carried out an extensive scientific activity. The results of his scientific investigations have materialized in his Doctor of Medical Sciences thesis, successfully defended in 1992, in specialized books, medical educational CDs and DVDs, and articles published in prestigious journals. The renowned professor is the first author of 14 books in the medical field and co-author of 14 other works. For the first volume "Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves", the professor was appreciated with ”Daniel Danielopolu” prize of the Romanian Academy.
He is co-author of the European Ultrasound Course, co-editor of the charter of the World Federation for Ultrasound, published in 2021 and editor of the book in English (e-book): "What's new in Gastroenterology and Hepatology?" – awarded with a prize in 2022 by the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences. He is the author and co-author of about 1500 studies, presented and published in abstract volumes at national and international scientific events, the author and co-author of more than 300 original works, of which 192 – published in ISI indexed journals. Currently the Hirsch index constitutes 46 and has 15,628 citations in Google Scholar. He is the co-author of 17 European and world guides on elastography, ultrasound contrast, digestive system ultrasound and interventional ultrasound, published in prestigious journals. For outstanding results in scientific activity, university professor Ioan Sporea was elected full member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences.
In parallel with these activities, Professor Sporea exercised other duties at the national level. Among them are president of the Romanian Society for Ultrasonography for two terms (2006-2010), currently a member of the Society's Board of Directors, president of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2013-2015), and vice-president between 2001 -2005, currently – member of the Steering Committee.
He is a member of numerous international specialized institutions such as: the European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition, the European Association for the Study of Liver, the Italian Society of Gastroenterology; American Gastroenterological Association, member of the European Board of Gastroenterology (Medical Sciences section of the European Union) and the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.
Professor Ioan Sporea was actively involved in the activity of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology: vice-president, director of the Education Center in Timisoara, director of the "Task Force Europe" Education Center, president of the Committee of Congresses of the World Federation for Ultrasound.
He was an invited speaker at scientific events in over 40 cities in different countries of the world, including Chisinau.
For his remarkable activity in the field of pedagogy and education, science and medical practice, university management, for his special human qualities, Professor Ioan Sporea was appreciated with multiple awards: "Young Investigator Award", the Grand Prize of the Romanian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Excellence Award in Gastroenterology, "Gheorghe Jovin" Award of the Romanian Society of Ultrasonography, "Ion Pavel" award of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences for the book "What's new in Gastroenterology and Hepatology".
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